Our approach is quite simple. While typical solar systems are developed to operate at the lowest cost per kilowatt hour and offer the savings to the building owner, Kilowatts For A Cause® solar systems are developed to not only operate at the lowest cost per kilowatt hour, but generate savings to give back to local non-profits that support low-income families in the same community that the system has been installed.
Kilowatts For A Cause® offers participants the option to purchase energy, at their current utility rate or less, from a solar energy system installed on their building or property. From the savings generated by the operation of the solar system, Kilowatts For A Cause® will make a donation, on behalf of the program participant, to a local non-profit supporting low-income families. If the participant is a school, a donation is made to the school to further the education of their students.
The system is designed, financed, installed, commissioned, and maintained, with no-money-down, for the duration of the contract term. This reduces barriers to entry, complexity, capital requirements, technology risks, and maintenance & operation risks for building owners.
We have developed a stream line approach to what most feel is difficult, complicated, and just not worth pursuing. Through our knowledge and the expertise of our friends, we have developed a process that is streamlined by technology and finance innovations consisting of:
- Pre-project assessment tools to quickly identify high feasibility solar energy system projects.
- Design performance tools to ensure system output is validated for project investors.
- Financial modeling tools to ensure profitability and generation of savings to support the cause.
- Database containing a vast group of technology, finance, tax equity, and operation & maintenance providers that support the development, finance, installation, and operation of solar energy systems for non-profit and for-profit commercial and industrial building owners.
- Workflow management tools to optimize the design, build, commission, and operation process.